Seller Process

  • Defining Success

    • Outline your objectives

    • Expectations, questions, and concerns

    • What is your motivation to sell?

    • What is your timeline to move?

    • Where are you moving?

    • What is most important for you?

    Understanding the Market

    • Market Dynamics: Macro v. Micro

    • Market Forces: Supply and Demand

    • The Numbers: Trends and Metrics

    • Analysis of active, pending, and sold transactions

    • Personal timing and seasonal considerations

    Strategic Planning and First Impressions

    • Discuss Improvements and alterations

    • Outline features and benefits

    • Determine key differentiators based on active inventory

    • Establish target market and buyer profile

    • Create profile-based buyer attraction strategy

  • Listing Details

    • Finalize documentation and contractual agreements

    • Complete property improvements

    • Engage staging consultant

    • Engage photography and media professional

    • Organize trusted advisor meeting

    • Define launch timeline

    Marketing Preparations

    • Property launch collateral

    • Traditional advertising

    • Digital marketing plan

    • Social media strategy

    • Broker network exposure

    • Open house strategy

    • Direct mail and communication approach

    • International buyer strategy

    • Events and public relations

  • Introducing the Property

    • Launch the marketing plan

    • Create the perception of value

    • Attract and qualify potential buyers

    • Show the property

    • Monitor interest

    • Weekly reports, updates, and communication strategy

    • Respond to changes in the market place

    Negotiating Strategies

    • Procure written offers

    • Qualify and analyze the merits of each offer

    • Negotiate to optimize price and terms

    • Multiple offer process and backup offer strategies

  • Escrow Process

    • Execute the contract

    • Complete disclosures

    • Meet deadlines and contingency periods

    • Fulfill duties and responsibilities


    • Transition from the property

    • Final documentations

    • Close and celebrate!

    Working Together Again

    • Stay in touch and keep you informed

    • Second homes and investment properties

    • Provide resources

    • Feedback, testimonials and referrals